मंगलवार, 29 जून 2010
Definition of Cerebral Palsy
The damage is to the brains motor control centers, inhibiting the development of movement and causes abnormal posture.
Diagnosis of cerebral palsy has several essential factors: Bodily movement shows obvious signs of impairment, dystonia, unusual posture and abnormal motion patterns, abnormal reflexes (unconditional reflex, sets up straight reflection, balanced reflection).
Primary high-risk factors for cerebral paralysis: suffocation, premature birth, nuclear jaundice, congenital heteroplasia.
Cerebral palsy complications: Mental handicap, barrier to cognitive development, epilepsy, sensory impairments.
Cerebral palsy classifications:
Spastic type
Involuntary athletic type: athetoid , myodystony, fremitus
Ataxia type
Mixed type
Atonia type
Characteristics of the spastic type:
Upper limbs: increased muscle tension, shoulder joint adduction, elbow flexing, forearm pronation, bending of the finger joints and palm, thumb adduction
The lower limbs extensor tension is increased, hip adductor group, quadriceps femoris, triceps surae muscle tension is increased, hip joint flexure, adduction and involute, knee joint flexure, sharp foot, strephenopodia, strephexopodia
Seat: pelvis caster, round back when sitting with legs extended, ??W?? sitting posture
Standing: sharp foot, walking with a scissors gait, hemiparalysis towing gait
Characteristics of involuntary athletic:
The muscular tone is unstable, increases when anxious, during the infant stage polymyarian tension is low, and the symptoms are obvious when the patient is two or three years old
Involuntary body movements, especially in the face, arms and torso, uncoordinated movements, loss of motion increases
A lack of continuous control over posture
Restricted movement in the oral-facial muscles affecting the tongue, the throat and swallowing capability, dyslalia, dysphonia, laryngeal stridor, disturbance of food intake, increased salivation
Movement range is large
A characteristic symptom is dehise yawning with effort
Unusual posture with low muscular tone:
1. Frog position posture
2. While in a sitting position, there is difficulty raising the head
3. Sitting with upper body anteversion
4. Inverted ??U" posture while the patient is bolstered up horizontally
5. Winged shoulder posture
Unusual posture with hypermyotonia:
1. Head dorsiflexion
2. Opisthotonos
3. Upper limbs: shoulder joint adduction and involute, forearm pronation and extended back, hand makes a fist, hand too far extended
4. Lower limbs: Rigid extension, scissors shaped, sharp foot (6 months later)
5. Kneeling warrior, sitting with legs extended straight
6. TLR (buttocks is higher while the head is low), ATNR posture (asymmetrical tonic neck reflex) Because of the high muscle tone of the neck, the posture mimics the pose of an archer
Methods to treating cerebral palsy:
Physical therapy, PT
Occupational therapy, OT
Speech therapy, ST
Education therapy
Pharmacotherapy: neurophic medication infusion , botulinus toxin A infusion
Chinese traditional treatment: Medicinal bath, wax therapy, massage, acupuncture
Surgical therapy-neural stem cells transplantation and surgery
The treatment principle with regards to cerebral palsy:
The convulsions (including infant hemiparalysis) mainly reduces muscular tone, promotes the infant??s motor ability growth, and encourages the infant to become more active.
Movement principle of involuntary movement: stabilize, median line, flexure pattern, controlling the posture
During daily treatment the nurses should pay special attention to:
Training time
Helping to correct the posture while the patient is seated
Making sure there is plenty of opportunity to practice standing and walking
Focusing on oral cavity mastication, question movement difficulties as soon as possible
Raise the infants level of intelligence
Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis
* Lethargy, or lack of alertness
* Irritability or fussiness
* Abnormal, high-pitched cry
* Trembling of the arms and legs
* Poor feeding abilities secondary to problems sucking and swallowing
* Low muscle tone
* Abnormal posture, such as the child favoring one side of the body
* Seizures, staring spells, eye fluttering, body twitching
* Abnormal reflexes.
During the first six months of life, other signs of brain injury suggestive of cerebral palsy also may appear in an infants muscle tone and posture. These signs include:
* Muscle tone may change gradually from low tone to high tone; a baby may go from floppy to very stiff.
* The child may hold his or her hand in tight fists.
* There may be asymmetries of movement, that is, one side of the body may move more easily and freely than the other side.
* The infant may feed poorly, with their tongue pushing food out of their mouth forcefully.
Once a baby with brain damage reaches six months of age, it usually becomes quite apparent that he or she is picking up movement skills slower than normal. Infants with cerebral palsy are more often slow to reach certain developmental milestones, such as rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking and talking. Parents are more likely to notice developmental delays, abnormal behaviors, and signs of cerebral palsy, especially if this is not their first child. Sometimes when they express their concerns to their physicians, their child is immediately diagnosed as having cerebral palsy. More often, however, medical professionals hesitate to use the term "cerebral palsy"at first. Instead, they may use broader terms such as:
* Developmental delay, which means that a child is slower than normal to develop movement skills such as rolling over and sitting up
* Neuromotor dysfunction, or delay in the maturation of the nervous system
* Motor disability, indicating a long term movement problem
* Central nervous system dysfunction, which is a general term to indicate the brain's improper functioning
* Static encephalopathy, meaning abnormal brain function that is not getting worse.
So why do doctors frequently delay making a final diagnosis and prognosis when a child may have cerebral palsy? Part of the answer lies in the plasticity of a child's central nervous system, or it's ability to recover completely or partially after an injury occurs. The brains of very young children have a much greater capacity to repair themselves than do adult brains. If a brain injury occurs early, the undamaged areas of a child's brain can sometimes take over some of the functions of the damaged areas. Although the child may have some motor impairment, he or she can often make great progress in other motor skills.
Another reason doctors may delay a diagnosis of cerebral palsy is that a child's nervous system organizes over time. Damage to the brain may affect your child's motor abilities differently. For example, tone can go from low to high or vice versa, or involuntary movements can become more obvious. Generally, however, a child's motor symptoms stabilize by two to three years of age. After this age, tone is probably not going to change dramatically.
So what does all of this mean? It means that a cerebral palsy diagnosis is not made over night. Since the extent of your child's problems will probably not be clear for some time, his or her symptoms need to be monitored by an interdisciplinary team. This is a group of professionals with specialties in different areas. These health care professionals gather information on the child's accomplishments and make comparisons over the months and years of the child's life. They will keep you up to date on your child's current needs and problems, as well as the medical reasons for these problems, if known. When diagnosing cerebral palsy, the interdisciplinary team must first conduct an assessment, or evaluation of the child's strengths and needs in all areas. As your child grows older, additional assessments may be necessary.
In conclusion, cerebral palsy is diagnosed by a complete examination of your child's current health status. Doctors will test your child's motor skills and look carefully at his or her medical history. They will also look for slow development, abnormal muscle tone, and unusual posture. When diagnosing cerebral palsy, doctors must rule out other disorders that can cause abnormal movements. Cerebral palsy does not get worse. In other words, it is not progressive. Based on this fact, doctors must make the determination that your child's condition is not progressively getting worse. Doctors will also use a number of different specialized tests in diagnosing cerebral palsy. For example, the doctor may order a CT (computed tomography). This is an imaging of the brain that can determine underdeveloped areas of brain tissue. The doctor may also order an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). This test also generates a picture of the brain to determine areas that may be damaged. In addition to these imaging tests, intelligence testing is also used. This helps to determine if a child is behind from a mental standpoint. In addition to diagnosing cerebral palsy through a complete and thorough examination of the child's abnormalities and behaviors, a review of the mother's pregnancy, labor and delivery and care received is also conducted.
About cerebral palsy
Definition of Cerebral Palsy The syndrome is caused by non-progressive brain damage occurring before birth or within 1 month after birth. The damage is to the brains motor control c...
Causes of cerebral palsy
Causes of Cerebral Palsy Why does your child have cerebral palsy? The simplest answer to this question is because your child has brain damage.This leads naturally into the second qu...
Cerebral palsy diagnosis
Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis How is the diagnosis of cerebral palsy made? When an infant or child has brain damage, a variety of symptoms can lead doctors and parents to suspect that so...
Cerebral palsy statistics
Cerebral Palsy Statistics Because cerebral palsy influences the way children develop, it is known as a developmental disability. In the United States today, more people have cerebra...
Definition of cerebral palsy
Definition of Cerebral Palsy The syndrome is caused by non-progressive brain damage occurring before birth or within 1 month after birth. The damage is to the brains motor control c...
History of cerebral palsy in children
History of Cerebral Palsy in Children Cerebral palsy is not a new disorder.There have probably been children with cerebral palsy as long as there have been children. But the medical...
Types of cerebral palsy
Types of Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy is a broad term that encompasses many different disorders of movement and posture. To describe particular types of movement disorders covered ...
Cerebral Palsy Statistics
Although children with very mild cerebral palsy occasionally recover by the time they are school-aged, cerebral palsy is usually a lifelong disability. In most cases, the movement and other problems associated with cerebral palsy will affect to varying degrees what a child is able to learn and do throughout life.
Types of cerebral palsy
All children with cerebral palsy have damage to the area of the brain that controls muscle tone. As a result, they may have increased muscle tone, reduced muscle tone, or a combination of the two (fluctuating tone). Which parts of their bodies are affected by the abnormal muscle tone depends upon where the brain damage occurs.
There are three main types of cerebral palsy:
- Spastic Cerebral Palsy
(stiff and difficult movement) - Athetoid Cerebral Palsy
(involuntary and uncontrolled movement) - Ataxic Cerebral Palsy
(disturbed sense of balance and depth perception) - Mixed Cerebral Palsy
There may be a combination of these types of cerebral palsy for any one person.
Causes of Cerebral Palsy
Causes of Cerebral Palsy
Why does your child have cerebral palsy? The simplest answer to this question is because your child has brain damage. This leads naturally into the second question: Why does your child have brain damage? There are many possible answers to this second question, because there are many reasons children can sustain brain damage. Your doctor must carefully review your child's health history and conduct a variety of medical and neurological tests to help determine the cause. Cerebral palsy is caused by an injury to the brain before, during, or shortly after birth. In many cases, no one knows for sure what caused the brain injury or what may have been done to prevent the injury. A large number of factors which can injure the developing brain may produce cerebral palsy. In general, however, there are two problems that can cause cerebral palsy:
1. Failure of the brain to develop properly (developmental brain malformation)
2. Neurological damage to the child's developing brain
Whatever the cause of your child's cerebral palsy, the severity of the brain damage generally depends on the type and timing of the injury. For example, in very premature babies, bleeding into the brain (intraventricular hemorrhage) can cause extensive damage. Also, the longer an unborn child goes without oxygen, the greater the extent of brain tissue damage.
Ten to fifteen percent of cerebral palsy is caused from a recognized brain injury, such as infection (like meningitis), bleeding into the brain, and damage caused by lack of oxygen. It is very important that you understand that a brain injury caused during delivery in many cases could have been prevented. Medical mistakes are responsible for thousands and thousands of cerebral palsy cases. It would be virtually impossible for a parent, on their own, to determine if a medical mistake caused their child's cerebral palsy or brain damage. It is only through the concerted efforts of a legal/medical team that can answer the question, "was my child's cerebral palsy preventable?"
सोमवार, 28 जून 2010
Neurotherapy Neurotherapy
Neurotherapy ( NT ) is a medicineless, manipulative, alternative Therapy. Though it has its roots in the ancient Indian scriptures, Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra has reoriented and has evolved the different aspects of Neurotherapy, namely The NT. Principles, The specific NT. Diagnosis, The spcific language of NT. symbols & The different NT. Formulas for treating the different types of diseases/disorders.
Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra has succeeded in developing this therapy after intensive studies of diseases / disorders and correlating them to Anatomy & Physiology, then applying logically, the principles of his Neurotherapy to formulate the different Neurotherapy treatments to cure the various types of diseases.
Neurotherapy is a unique blend of medicineless therapy and medical studies.
The diagnosis includes specific Neurotherapy diagnosis and also medical reports like x-rays, ECG., Sonography, MRI-Scan pathological reports,etc.
NT believes that the body suffers from an ailment because the biochemical balance of acids, alkalies, hormones , enzymes, antigens, antibodies is disturbed in the human system. The NT treatment restores this disturbed biochemical balance by stimulating the various organs to function normally to produce the required chemicals in optimum quantities. In Neurotherapy, pressure is applied to stop the flow of blood to the specific region of the body mainly with feet and occasionally with hands for a particular duration (6 seconds to 40 seconds.) and then released, so that blood flows with a greater force to activate or deactivate the correlated nerves /glands / organs. This may be repeated as per the requirements of the patient, so as to maintains homeostasis of the body's biochemical forces, which in turn restores health.
In 1976 he named this therapy as "Neurotherapy" and in 1999 it was renamed as "Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra's Neurotherapy" to honour `THE CREATOR OF THIS NEUROTHERAPY'.
Nt. treatments are effective in treating Asthma , Arthritis, colds, injuries, hormonal imbalances, mental disorders, menstrual disorders, sterility, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, skin and digestive disorders are just a few examples.
Nt. also emphasises on regulating diet and lifestyle.
Some idea of the approach of the line of NT. treatment may be inferred from some of the examples cited below :-
Pancreas stimulation helps to treat following diseases:
• Blindness • Cancer • Cataract • Cerebral Disorder • Dropfeet • Heart Disorders • Motor Neuron Diseases • Multiple Sclerosis • Myasthenia Gravis • Night Blindness • ParalysisMost hormones from Hypothalamus & Pituitaryact on a specific target endocrine gland. This gland in turn secretes specific hormones. When the level of these hormones in the blood reaches its desired levels, the pituitary and hypothalamus glands will stop secretion of the corresponding stimulating hormone of that gland. This is known as negative feedback mechanism. The pituitary gland (PIT) secretes hormones which stimulate all endocrine glands except the thymus, the parathyroids and the medulla part of the adrenal glands. It controls the thyroid gland (except for calcitonin secretion), both the adrenal cortices, the ovaries and the testes. Whenever there is a deficiency of a particular hormone, NT can stimulate PIT to secrete the particular stimulating hormone for that gland and correct the deficiency.
By God's grace, every chemical in the body is produced at two or more than two places, so that the person does not die because of deficiency of a particular chemical caused by defect in a particular organ. For example, 85% of Erythropoietin is produced in the kidneys Whenever there is less oxygen in the blood, this chemical will reach the bone marrow and the process of forming blood will start. When both the kidneys do not function properly, the liver will produce this chemical. Instead of 14 counts, haemoglobin produced by the liver will have 8 counts. NT gives importance to this point.Our brain has 100 billion neurons and the spinal cord has 100 million neurons. The intestines also have 100 million neurons. 12 main types of chemicals are formed by neurons of the intestine, though it is true that the neurons of the brain form these chemicals in large quantity. If these chemicals are not formed due to a problem in brain neurons, there will be diseases like Parkinson's. NT activates the nervous system of the intestines (the enteric nervous system) and cures diseases occuring due to deficiency of chemicals prepared by the central nervous system.
Maintenance of acid-base balance is a very important factor for keeping good health. Acid is a substance which when dissolved in water produces hydrogen ions(H+ Alkali (base) produces hydroxyl ions(OH-), when dissolved in water. Normal pH of blood is between 7.36 and 7.44. If the digestive system functions normally, the acid-base balance is maintained. In most cases, according to NT, cause of disease is disturbance of this balance. When this is corrected, the patient gets healed.
NT. believes that a part of ascending colon is alkaline and the portion from the middle of transverse colon and full portion of descending colon is acidic. It also believes that the right kidney filters 80% alkali and 20% acid and that the left kidney filters 80% acid and 20% alkali. Similarly, it is also assumed that right ovary produces progesterone and left ovary produces oestrogen.
When T-Memory cells of the thymus gland do not work properly, it produces antibodies against the body's own proteins / cells. For example, if the proteins of the synovial membrane of the knee joints enter the blood, thymus will form antibodies against these proteins. The antibodies will affect the synovial membrane of the knee joint or any other joint and produce arthritis. This is called autoimmunity. In allopathy, the treatment is given with medicines containing steroids, whose dosage is much in excess of the body's requirement, thereby producing side effects. In NT, we give the treatment by stimulating the adrenal cortex which produces the required steroids in the right quantity automatically and therefore it will not have any side effects.
85% of the cholesterol is consumed by the liver for converting it into bile salts for digestion of fats. 15% of the cholesterol is consumed by the adrenal cortices, ovaries and testes for preparing corticoids, oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. All the other hormones are glycoprotein or simple protein in nature. Intestine produces an amino acid called tyrosine during the digestionof food. Tyrosine is used to produce Tri-iodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) of the thyroid gland and epinephrine and norepinephrine of the adrenal medulla. Health disorders may occur due to improper digestion and absorption because the patient does amino-acids, minerals and vitamins assimilated from the diet. NT is based on the navel setting of the abdomen, for digesting the food properly. If digestion and absorption are normal, then there will be no shortage of substrates like essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins and the patient is relieved of the ailments.
गुरुवार, 24 जून 2010
Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts longer than 3 months. That’s the main symptom of Fibromyalgia: widespread muscle pain that lasts longer than 3 months. Widespread pain is defined as pain both above and below the waist and on both the right and left sides of the body.
At its best, Fibromyalgia may be described as “mild.” At its worst, intense pain can get in the way of doing normal day-to-day activities.
Some Fibromyalgia sufferers describe their pain as “all over” or “everywhere.” For some people, the pain and stiffness are worst when they wake up. Then it improves during the day. Symptoms may increase again at night. But other people have all-day, non-stop pain. This could include combinations of neck pain, arm pain, shoulder pain, back pain, hip pain, knee pain, feet pain, and pain in just about every other body part.
“My eyelashes and tips of my hair are the
only parts of me that don't hurt.”
The pain may get worse with physical activity, stress, or anxiety. Fibromyalgia patients may also be more sensitive to things around them. This may include heat/cold, bright lights, loud sounds, and more. Even a gentle hug could be painful.Read more about the unique qualities of Fibromyalgia pain.
Pain is the core symptom of Fibromyalgia, but different people feel the pain in different ways. Fibromyalgia pain may be felt as:
Description | Real Voices of Fibromyalgia |
Chronic pain | “I feel pain all over my body. Some days are better than others, but the pain is always there.” |
Deep pain | “It is in the deep tissues. You can’t massage it out. It’s not just the surface. I can’t penetrate to where the pain is originating from.” |
Widespread pain | “It is hard to explain where my pain is, it seems like it is everywhere else except some specific place.” |
Aching pain | “Sometimes it is like a constant ache that is there, then you get up, you move around, it goes away and then it pops up someplace else.” |
Radiating pain | “There are days that I have sharp pains that radiate down from my neck to my arm like a lightning bolt that strikes higher up, down to my arms, my hands.” |
Shooting pain | “...shooting pain that sometimes I get in my shoulders and my neck, like a stabbing pain.” |
Tender pain | “My body is so sensitive and tender that it hurts to be hugged.” |
Other Common Fibromyalgia Symptoms
Additional common Fibromyalgia symptoms may be felt as:
Description | Real Voices of Fibromyalgia |
Sleep disruptions | “I wake up feeling unrefreshed even after a full night’s sleep.” |
Fatigue | “I feel very tired at times. Sometimes I feel so worn out and drained that I can’t take care of my family like I want to.” |
Problems with memory and thinking clearly (sometimes called "fibro fog") | “Sometimes I have difficulty focusing. It’s like my mind is in a fog.” |
Problems with depression and/or anxiety | “For so long the doc had told me I was depressed and I said, ‘Well I'm in pain all the time, of course I'm depressed.’” |
Overlapping conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, restless leg syndrome, migraines, and others | “It feels like I have this aura of pain that follows me wherever I go.” |
शुक्रवार, 18 जून 2010
Paralysis Facts and Information
Paralysis Topics
Paralysis is a general medical term that basically involves the inability to move or use certain parts of the body. This condition is relevant in the legal world because often times, paralysis is caused by the acts or omissions of another person or entity. If this has happened to you, contact an attorney immediately, as you have rights that have to be enforced within a certain amount of time.
Below you will find general information regarding paralysis, and different ways in which this condition manifests itself in patients.
Definition of Paralysis
Paralysis is defined as the complete loss of muscle function for one or more muscle groups. This condition usually manifests itself immediately after an injury has been suffered, and the condition is most often caused by damage to the nervous system or brain, especially the spinal cord. Paralysis often includes loss of feeling in the affected area.
Types of Paralysis
Paralysis may be localized, or generalized, or it may follow a certain pattern. "Localized" means that the symptoms are restricted to one specific area of the body, such as the face, the toes or even one side of the body as a whole, which is also sometimes called hemiplegia. "Generalized" is a term that describes paralysis that pervades large portions of the body.
Persistence of Paralysis
This condition is difficult to define and predict, as certain injuries lead to permanent loss of ability to control muscles, while other injuries can result in eventual recovery of the use of the muscle groups originally lost. It remains a mystery for each individual patient.
Victims and Suffering from Paralysis
If you're a victim and suffering from any type of paralysis as a result of the actions of someone else, you need to contact and meet with an attorney as soon as possible.
Paraplegic and Quadraplegic Lawyers and Attorneys
An experienced injury attorney will be able to analyze your situation, advise you as to your rights and help you proceed through the legal situation with the highest degree of professionalism possible. You need to concentrate on your treatment and recovery, so schedule a free consultation with an attorney today to make sure that your rights are protected.
गुरुवार, 17 जून 2010
मंगलवार, 15 जून 2010
Explenation of Neurotherapy
Neurotherapy is a veritable break-through in the world of healing!Though the therapy is a panacea for most disorders plaguing mankind, it is highly effective in treating special children - who are mentally and/or physically challenged, bringing about a substantial improvement in the quality of their life.It has its roots in a very old therapy of ancient India, which has been revamped and revived by the efforts of Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra of Mumbai, India, who is the founder of this unique technique.Philosophy : All living beings, possess an innate capacity to lead a disease-free existence provided they receive timely and appropriate nourishment.
The human being, like all other living beings, is no exception to this natural rule. By and large, ALL organs and glands can perform their respective functions properly, provided they receive adequate blood supply, oxygen and nutrients. "Disease", as the name itself denotes, means "dis"-"ease" or "not at ease". Improper blood supply to an organ deprives it of essential nutrients, causing it to malfunction. Since the functions of all organs are inter-dependent, it is quite easy to understand that malfunction of one organ will progressively lead to a 'cascade' effect. If steps are not taken to rectify this state of events, by restoring the disturbed blood supply to the defective organ, it progressively culminates in a state of disease. How the therapy worksThe underlying principle behind Neurotherapy is that organ(s) can be activated or deactivated, through pressure or massage on selected areas or nerve channels. This results in an alteration in the circulation of blood, lymph & other body fluids and/or nerve currents.The therapy focuses at eliminating the root cause of a disorder. Though it does provide symptomatic relief, its total effect is to bring about a feeling of over-all well-being. It works on the principle of diverting blood circulation to the diseased areas, by applying pressure at strategic locations on the body, for a specified period and for a specific number of times, in a pre-determined sequence, as laid out by Dr. Mehra. By doing so, it has been observed that the performance of the affected glands or organs improves and all body functions improve dramatically. When properly done, this technique has been found to rejuvenate the body and nurture it to good health.The uniqueness of this therapy lies in the fact that it brings miraculous results without recourse to medicines.