रविवार, 8 अगस्त 2010


Sunless tanning salons

Did you know that some of the popular indoor and artificial tanning salons are also functioning as sunless tanning salons? Some people are just not too comfortable into applying sunless tanning products to their own skin. That is why demand for sunless tanning salons has also been rising up.

Probably, one important consideration why people would seek for the services of a sunless tanning salon is personnel's expertise. It is a common fact that applying sunless tanning products to the skin is not that simple. There are appropriate and recommended ways on how such products are applied to the skin. You simply do not need to just apply the products to skin. There are strategies. Consistency and density of the sunless tanning product also matters. Some sunless tanning products simply need to be applied thinly to the skin, while others need to be applied generously, especially at specified trouble areas of the body that so not usually respond positively to skin tanning.

Selecting a sunless tanning salon

When choosing establishments to get professional application of sunless tanning products and procedures, you need to bear in mind several recommended measures. It is not enough to find such sunless tanning or indoor tanning salons. Determining such establishments level of reliability is hard and highly important at the same time.

Before embarking on the search, check first on whether tanning salons are operating legally in your state. There are several states in the US that are strictly implementing regulations in the operations of sunless and indoor tanning salons. A regulated market is very ideal because you could practically ensure your safety. Take note that state health regulators are now applying particular attention to ultraviolet exposure artificial sources bring about. Too much UV exposure is known to cause skin cancer.

Check out if the tanning salon is appropriately approved and authorized by regulators. You can ask your state regulators about lists of accredited professional tanning salons.

The price tags usually indicate quality. Reasonable prices, those characterized as just normal and justifiable by the quality of services rendered, indicate good a good deal for the tanning service you are aiming at.

Check out the list of sunless tanning products employed by tanning salons. When it comes to sunless tanning, products make or break the effectiveness and reliability of the establishment. Good sunless tanning products naturally and logically lead to good and ideal skin tanning results. When looking at sunless skin tanning products used, prefer those containing di-hydroxyacetone or DHA as active or main ingredient.

The Mystic Tan

When choosing professional sunless tanning salons, it would also help if the establishment you are assessing is offering Mystic Tan. Mystic Tan is a sunless tanning equipment that facilitates ideal and even application of sunless tanning products. Usually, a Mystic Tan is a secluded booth where individuals get in to get a tan. The tanning procedure starts when tanning solution is sprayed throughout the whole body evenly using Mystic Tan nozzles.

Not all sunless tanning salons may offer Mystic Tan. Including this sunless tanning procedure in a salon's list of services can be an indication enough of how the business is very much committed to its purpose of providing customers the best and most useful sunless tanning ever.

Like any other form of tan using all products and techniques available, it is inevitable that skin tan fades through time.

It is a general knowledge that the human skin is completely renewing itself every 30 days to 45 days. That is the reason why small and exterior scars and marks can easily and naturally go off after more than a month. That natural process of skin renewal is also based on the fact that the human skin is consistently wearing off dead skin cells.

Before finally getting to know measures to maintain a sunless tan, it would be helpful and ideal if the natural coloration process in the skin would be further and more clearly understood. As you see, tan is produced when the skin produces enough melanin that gives the skin its rosy or brownish color. The more the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun and from artificial sources like UV lamps in tanning beds and booths, the more it produces melanin and the more tanned the skin would appear. Sunbathing and indoor tanning at tanning beds produce melanin in the basal layer, which is the deepest part of the skin epidermis.

In sunless tanning, melanin production and coloration is done at a shallower stratum corneum, which is the outer part of the skin epidermis. To understand sunless tanning more, be informed that sunless tanning products prompt skin coloration through interaction of basic ingredients with the skin's dead cells, which are abundant in the outer skin layer.

Practical guidelines for sunless tan maintenance

Thus, with that basic understanding of sunless tanning occurrence and effect to the skin, it would be easier to understand and set sunless tan maintenance measures. Here are some simple and practical tips on how to do so.

Once the tan manifests signs of fading, you could immediately re-apply your particular sunless skin tanning product. If you are satisfied with the tan you have got, then continue using the product. If you want more, or if the tan was too much, try other forms. Sunless tanning products can be in creams, gels, sprays and lotions. Usually, sunless tans last about a week. Wearing off a dead skin cells is natural and inevitable, so there is nothing you can do to prevent fading of sunless tan. Maintenance, however, is as easy as getting it initially.

Hydrate your skin always from inside and out. Do not let your skin run and feel dry. At the same time, maintain skin hydration by drinking adequate water and juices. Keeping the skin hydrated somehow helps slow wearing off of dead skin cells. And if dead skin cells are kept for prolonged duration, so is sunless skin tan.

Avoid exfoliating the skin while aiming to prolong or maintain the sunless tan. Skin products with alcohol and strong cleansing bases are not ideal for sunless tan maintenance.

Alternative use of a bronzer

There is one alternative the usual forms of sunless tanning. That is the use of bronzer. If you are keen on maintaining sunless tan, bronzer can pose a good option for you. Unlike all other forms and techniques to getting a sunless tan, bronzers are temporary skin tanning. To set the difference, all other sunless tanning products give out a desired skin coloration that would last for about a week, whereas bronzer would only last until it is washed off from the skin.

Thus, bronzer could be a great sunless tanning alternative. Bronzers are usually moisturizers and powders that are applied on the skin to give the skin surface an appearance as if it had undergone a normal tanning process. Good thing about bronzer is that it is washed off once the skin is washed through sweating, taking a shower or bathing.

Quality Tanning Lotion from Lewies Tanning Sunless Tanning Lotion Products and Indoor Tanning Lotions for all of your indoor tanning & skin care needs! www.fauxtan.com

Read more: http://www.disabled-world.com

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